Amsterdam Netherlands

Paris – Amsterdam

Travelling by bus between Paris and Amsterdam, has become increasingly popular since the liberalisation of the bus market in France in 2015, before this date there used to be only a few daily buses between the cities, whereas today there is up to 10 daily departures in each direction. The shortest travel distance between the two capitals is 510 km, buses which follow this route have a travel time of around 7 hours.

When travelling from Paris to Amsterdam with bus, you should pay attention to where your bus departs from, each bus company usually only departure from one station in Paris, currently bus routes to Amsterdam departure from at least 4 different stations, which include a Bus stop near Porte d’Orléans Metro station, a Bus station by Metro Galliéni, station at Boulevard Pershing by the Porte Maillot Metro Station and from a stop by the Bercy metro station. As the departure locations are quite far apart, you can save a lot of time if you pick a bus from a station you can easily get to.

What about trying one of these routes from Paris?

Bus Paris Rotterdam Bus Paris Lyon Bus Paris Strasbourg
Bus Paris Bordeaux Bus Paris Grenoble Bus Paris Budapest
Bus Paris Cannes Bus Paris Montpellier Bus Paris Auxerre

If you are travelling in the opposite direction from Amsterdam to Paris, you unfortunately also have more departure location to choose between currently buses to Paris drive from the following 3 locations: Bus station by the train station Duivendrecht, bus station by the Amstel train station and bus stop at Raderweg by the Sloterdijk metro station. So to sum it up, when you book the ticket you of course have the price as an important parameter, but also the departure and arrival station is something to take into consideration.

From Amsterdam you can travel to many destinations in Germany:

Bus Amsterdam Hanover Bus Amsterdam Dortmund Bus Amsterdam Essen
Bus Amsterdam Duisburg Bus Amsterdam Hamburg Bus Amsterdam Berlin
Bus Amsterdam Bielefeld Bus Amsterdam Bremen Bus Amsterdam Brunswick

Other ways of travelling between Paris and Amsterdam.

Train: The capitals Amsterdam and Paris are very well connected by train, each day there are several departure with the high-speed Thalys train, which have a travel time of a bit more than 3 hours. Unfortunately prices for the train is also considerable higher than travelling by bus.

Flight: Flying between the cities is also not a problem, companies like KLM, Air France as well as other companies operated daily non stop flights between the cities, the air travel time is about 1 hour and 15 minutes.

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