
Train to Dubrovnik

Travelling with train to Dubrovnik is not possible as there is no railway track to the city, use bus to travel to Dubrovnik is cheap and reliable!

Travelling with train to Dubrovnik is unfortunately not possible, once you see the landscape in area, you will understand why building train tracks to the city has not been a priority.

The closest “train” city is Ploce, which is about 100 km north of Dubrovnik, Ploce has train connection to Mostar in Bosnia, from where you can continue to Sarajevo. The nearest train station connected to the European railway network is Split, which is about 220 km north of Dubrovnik.

What are the alternatives to Train?

Well depends where you are travelling from. If you are travelling from most EU countries you have plane to Dubrovnik airport, alternatively you have long distance buses from many European countries, if there is no bus to Dubrovnik from where you travel, try searching for bus to Zagreb instead.

If you are already in Croatia, you can travel to Dubrovnik by bus, car or plane. The cheapest way of travelling is for single travellers or smaller groups is by bus, you have bus connections to Dubrovnik from most of Croatia, if you can’t find a suitable direct bus, try searching for bus to Split from there on you have plenty of daily buses to Dubrovnik.

What are my options if I have Interrail pass for Croatia

Buying a Interrail pass for Croatia in the majority of cases makes no sense.

  • Train only covers the following of the popular cities, Zagreb, Pula, Zadar, Split
  • Train travel times within Croatia are long, often double of bus travel time.
  • Travelling with bus is very cheap and there are lots of departures.
  • You can not use Interrail pass to travel with bus

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