Warsaw Poland

Prague – Warsaw

An easy and cheap way of traveling from the Czech Capital Prague to Warsaw in Poland is to take the bus. Each day there are lots of departures in both directions. The shortest bus travel distance between the two cities is around 680 km, which equals a bus travel time of about 9-10 hours depending on number of stops on the route.

When travelling from Prague to Warsaw, the bus will departure from the UAN Florence bus station, which can be reached by Metro or city bus from any part of Prague. None of the departures stops at the Prague airport, from the airport you will need to take the airport bus / Metro to the bus station and then catch the bus to Warsaw from there. – You can see all departures from Prague to Warsaw here.  If you are on a tight budget you might consider taking the night bus, which will save you the cost of accommodation.

If you are travelling from Warsaw to Prague, you will have to pay a bit more attention to the departure location, from Warsaw most buses departure from the main bus station “Zachodni” located between the Warzaw Zachodni train station and Park Zachodni. The other location where some buses departure from is the bus station at the Wschodnia train station. The two bus stations are about 8 km apart, so make sure to go to the right one. From Warsaw you additionally have the options to travel from Warsaw Chopin Airport to Prague, but please note only a few of the departures drive via the Airport. You can see all buses from Warsaw to Prague here.

Other travel options between Prague and Warsaw.

Train: Each day there is a few train connections between the cities, the train is a bit faster than bus (8 – 9 hours travel time) but it is also in most cases more expensive.

Flight: Both Czech airlines and LOT (Polish airlines) operate daily flights between the capitals, travel time by plane is around 1 hour and 15 minutes. Tickets are of course way more expensive than other travel options mentioned above.

Other popular travel combination between Czech Republic and Poland.

From Prague the most popular routes are Prague to Wroclaw and Prague to Krakow, and also the connection between Prague and Poznan is used by many travelers.

From Czech Public second largest city Brno, the most popular bus connection to Poland are, Brno to Katowice, Brno to Krakow and of course also many travelers use the route from Brno to Warsaw.

Did you know you can also travel to these cities from Prague?

Prague to Ljubljana Prague to Krakow Prague to Rijeka
Prague to Riga Prague to Kosice Prague to Kolin
Prague to Kherson Prague to Kharkiv Prague to Katowice


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