
Sofia to Thessaloniki

If you are travelling by bus from Sofia in Bulgaria to Greece or the opposite direction the best option is to travel to / from Thessaloniki which is the main hub for incoming international bus traffic from many European destinations, from Thessaloniki you can then easily continue with domestic bus or train to other towns in Greece.

Buses from Sofia to Thessaloniki drive year around, each day there are several departures between the cities. The driving distance is about 300 km, which equals a travel time by bus of 5 to 6 hours.

Buses from Sofia departure from the main bus station which is located at Bulevard Knyaginya Maria Luiza 100, which is just next to the main train station in Sofia, timetable for buses from Sofia to Thessaloniki you can see here.

Buses from Thessaloniki towards Sofia, departure (on less otherwise stated) from the KLEK bus station, which you can find at the following address: Giannitson 240, Ampelokipi Menemeni 546 28. Bus departure towards Sofia you can check here.

If you are on a European roundtrip, you can easily continue your trip by bus from Sofia, which has bus connection e.g. to  Munich, Berlin, Vienna and many other popular European cities.

Other popular routes from Sofia:

Sofia to Sunny beach Sofia to Pomorie Sofia to Primorsko
Sofia to Burgas Sofia to Varna Sofia to Bratislava
Sofia to Belgrade Sofia to Bucharest Sofia to Budapest

Train from Sofia ↔ Thessaloniki

During summer season there are two direct trains between the cities, one train travel during day time and one travel overnight, the train travel time between the cities is about 7 hours.


  1. John Goldman

    I am not sure my purchase went through. I was paying by Paypal for a ticket from Sofia to Thessaloniki, and when the screen returned from Paypal it was in German. Please let me know if I have a ticket and how do I get it.


    • Dear John
      It is not possible to purchase a ticket via PayPal on our website, but since the bus line Sofia-Thessaloniki is available through our partners, maybe you tried to buy it on their website.
      Please check with your bank if the payment was successful.
      Since the payment wasn’t done to us we cannot see its status, unfortunately.
      Kindest regards!

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