General information
How would you rate your most recent travel experience with company JELINAK BIH - PROSIC?
JELINAK BIH - PROSIC is a bus company based in Zepce, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It offers departures in 3 countries, such as Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Netherlands. It is one of the many bus companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as it offers more than 2 daily departures, mostly from cities like Munich, Stuttgart (Airport/Fair), and Zenica. JELINAK BIH - PROSIC operates regular bus lines. Intercity buses and Regional buses are also offered by JELINAK BIH - PROSIC.
Popular international bus lines
If you want to travel to some other countries outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina, you can find the available and most popular travel combinations with JELINAK BIH - PROSIC here:
Here are some other carriers operating in that area:
Read all reviews hereJELINAK BIH - PROSIC holds an average score of 7.9, derived from 7 reviews submitted by our travellers. This places JELINAK BIH - PROSIC at the 11. position among all bus companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina and 259. position globally. 71% of our travellers rated their experience with JELINAK BIH - PROSIC as excellent. Among the amenities offered, passengers expressed the highest satisfaction with the Driver and Tidiness. You can see some of the reviews left by our passengers below:
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