prije 1 minInfo o ruti
SplitBiograd na moru
prije 2 minInfo o ruti
prije 2 minInfo o ruti
BeogradIstocno Sarajevo
prije 8 minInfo o ruti
Pronađite svoje karte za autobus, trajekt, voz ili let
Bus was good but 30 mins late with no warning
Bus was great but it would be good to know the status of the bus. We waited for an hour as we got to the bus stop 15 mins early than it’s scheduled time. Apart from that it was great ... Bus was great but it would be good to know the status of the bus. We waited for an hour as we got to the bus stop 15 mins early than it’s scheduled time. Apart from that it was great
Odnos cijene i kvalitete usluge
Udobnost vožnje
Pregled rute | Ključne informacije |
Polazna stanica | Tisno Mag. |
Odredišna stanica | Zadar |
Dnevni polasci | Više od 7 polazaka autobusa |
Najraniji polasci | 11:25 |
Posljednji polazak | 21:01 |
Udaljenost putovanja | 52 km |
Vrijeme putovanja | 00:56 |