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prije 16 minInfo o ruti
Pronađite svoje karte za autobus, trajekt, voz ili let
Nice bus & A/C working well. With a 6.1 rating out of 10, I was expecting a bus not so nice.
We got to choose our own seats. There were not so many people, so I had 2 seats for myself & carry bag. ... Tha adult man in seat behind me talked to himself for hours. He grabbed the seat and accidentally pulled hair. He was drunk & smelled like alcohol. He sang songs & patted the seat to the beat of music on bus speakers. I could not rest. Bus drivers did very little to calm him down. He made my trip miserable.
Odnos cijene i kvalitete usluge
Udobnost vožnje
Pregled rute | Ključne informacije |
Polazna stanica | Sarajevo |
Odredišna stanica | Budva |
Dnevni polasci | Više od 10 polazaka autobusa , uključujući više od 6 noćnih autobusa. |
Najraniji polasci | 05:10 |
Posljednji polazak | 20:00 |
Udaljenost putovanja | 285 km |
Vrijeme putovanja | 08:47 |