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Pronađite svoje karte za autobus, trajekt, voz ili let
Transfer to Sofia
it was excellent value for money and the bus turned up on time at the departure bus station, and arrived early in Sofia ... The driver did not check us onboard and there were several people sitting in the wrong seats and the passengers had to then ask them to move.... which they did, but some were reluctant to do so
Odnos cijene i kvalitete usluge
Udobnost vožnje
Pregled rute | Ključne informacije |
Polazna stanica | Bansko |
Odredišna stanica | Sofija |
Dnevni polasci | Više od 83 polazaka autobusa , uključujući više od 4 noćnih autobusa. |
Najraniji polasci | 00:24 |
Posljednji polazak | 18:15 |
Udaljenost putovanja | 158 km |
Vrijeme putovanja | 02:41 |