4 min preInformacije o liniji
Biograd na MoruZagreb
7 min preInformacije o liniji
16 min preInformacije o liniji
16 min preInformacije o liniji
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od strane ANONYMOUS
Mr. Ivica Radocaj always makes a trip enjoyable! Always smiling and full of understanding for all passengers, doing his best to make everyone happy and satisfied. Unfortunately I didn't catch the name of the other driver. I had to change the bus in Zagreb and even if we were a bit late due to the roadworks, everything was arranged and we changed the bus somewhere before Zagreb and finally reached final destination even before the schedule. Thumbs up!
Urednost i čistoća
Vrednost za novac
Udobnost vožnje
Pregled rute | Ključne informacije |
Stanica polaska | Beč |
Odredišna stanica | Rijeka |
Dnevni polasci | Više od 9 polazaka autobusa , uključujući više od 2 noćnih autobusa. |
Najraniji polasci | 01:40 |
Poslednji polazak | 23:10 |
Udaljenost putovanja | 516 km |
Vreme putovanja | 07:27 |