SplitMostar (øst)
2 min sidenRuteinformasjon
KotorMostar (øst)
3 min sidenRuteinformasjon
3 min sidenRuteinformasjon
SingaporeKuala Lumpur
3 min sidenRuteinformasjon
Finn dine buss-, ferge-, tog- eller flybilletter
Terminal fees (bus station fees) and luggage fees (per-unit prices) are common in the region and GBB should really get a grip on communicating those when you buy a ticket. The sums aren't big, but having coins ready or even just knowing there's no way to board a bus without first getting a receipt for the station fee - that's pretty useful information if you're on a tight schedule.
Verdi for pengene
Komfortabel tur
Ruteoversikt | Viktig informasjon |
Avgangsstasjon | Skopje |
Destinasjonsstasjon | Prizren |
Daglige avganger | Over 1 bussavganger |
Tidigste avganger | 16:00 |
Siste avgang | 16:00 |
Reiseavstand | 103 km |
Reisetid | 02:30 |