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This trip was perfect while the other trip of the same company was terrible
Professional driver with good manners, the ride was calm and safe and the bus was comfortable and clean. ... Following text belongs to a different trip on 13.10.2023 at 17:00 from Zadar to Pag. It was the same company (Antonio Tours), but a different driver and different bus (small bus). I bought the ticket offline so I have no other chance to review the other trip then this way. The driver was cruising over 80-90 km/h through the city and the villages. It was a ride like he steels the bus. On top of that he was using his mobile phone almost during all the trip. Using a cell phone and speeding non-stop was absolutely unprofessional, against the rules and dangerous. The driver´s colleague that was traveling with him did nothing to stop the driver from the dangerous ride.
Verdi for pengene
Komfortabel tur
Ruteoversikt | Viktig informasjon |
Avgangsstasjon | Pag (town) |
Destinasjonsstasjon | Zadar |
Daglige avganger | Over 10 bussavganger |
Tidigste avganger | 06:20 |
Siste avgang | 20:30 |
Reiseavstand | 53 km |
Reisetid | 01:10 |