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The ride was overall good. The drive is beautiful and the air conditioning worked well in the middle of the bus (not so much at the back). After a misunderstanding about my destination, the bus driver seemed to be annoyed at first, but did not stay angry. He became frendlier as the drive went on. ... I am very disappointed in the fact that the bus driver was smoking in the bus during the whole trip. I understand that smoking is more accepted here than it is where I live and I cultural differences are normal. However, in such a small space, even if he opened his window to ash his cigarettes, the smoke was everywhere in the bus. Since my body isn't accustomed to this smoke, my sinuses are inflamed today after spending 8 hours in this smoky bus. My clean clothes now smell like cigarette smoke. For people's comfort, but above all for their health, I think smoking on the bus should be prohibited.
Verdi for pengene
Komfortabel tur
Ruteoversikt | Viktig informasjon |
Avgangsstasjon | Mostar |
Destinasjonsstasjon | Ulcinj |
Daglige avganger | Over 7 bussavganger , inkludert mer enn 2 nattbusser. |
Tidigste avganger | 07:30 |
Siste avgang | 22:10 |
Reiseavstand | 285 km |
Reisetid | 07:05 |