Alhaurín de la Torre Bus Station
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General information
Bus stations and stops
We have located 7 bus stops in Alhaurín de la Torre.
The stops and stations listed below are those most commonly used as departure locations by the intercity buses operating from Alhaurín de la Torre:
Bus stop
GPS Coordinates 36.660377, -4.56309
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus stop is located approximately 169 metres from the city centre, which is only a 2 minute walking distance so you can also reach it on foot.
Near the bus terminal in Bus stop you can also find: kiosk and ATM
Bus stop
GPS Coordinates 36.66004, -4.562088
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus stop is located approximately 151 metres from the city centre, which is only a 2 minute walking distance so you can also reach it on foot.
Near the bus terminal in Bus stop you can also find: coffee bar
Bus stop
GPS Coordinates 36.661142, -4.543469
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus stop is located approximately 1.8 km from the city centre, which is approximately a 4 minute ride.
Bus stop
GPS Coordinates 36.660824, -4.542299
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus stop is located approximately 2 km from the city centre, which is approximately a 5 minute ride.
Bus stop
GPS Coordinates 36.660309, -4.529203
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus stop is located approximately 3.2 km from the city centre, which is approximately a 7 minute ride.
Bus stop
GPS Coordinates 36.66073, -4.534849
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus stop is located approximately 2.7 km from the city centre, which is approximately a 6 minute ride.
Bus stop
GPS Coordinates 36.660286, -4.558765
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus stop is located approximately 439 metres from the city centre, which is only a 5 minute walking distance so you can also reach it on foot.