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Toping Trade, je avtobusno podjetje s sedežem v Novi Grad, Bosna in Hercegovina. Ponuja odhode v 2 držav, kot so Hrvaška i Bosna in Hercegovina. Gre za eno izmed številnih avtobusnih podjetij v Bosna in Hercegovina, saj ponuja več kot 6 dnevnih odhodov, večinoma iz mest, kot so Zagreb, Banja Luka, i Prijedor. Toping Trade obratuje s prevoznimi sredstvi redni prevoz. Medkrajevni avtobusi so na voljo tudi pri Toping Trade.
Če želite potovati v druge države izven Bosna in Hercegovina, lahko najdete razpoložljive in najbolj priljubljene možnosti potovanja s podjetjem Toping Trade tukaj:
Toping Trade ima povprečno oceno 6.7, izpeljano iz 45 ocen, ki so jih oddali naši popotniki. To postavlja Toping Trade na 24. mesto med vsemi avtobusnimi prevozniki v Bosna in Hercegovina in 416. mesto globalno. 38% naših popotnikov je svojo izkušnjo z Toping Trade ocenilo kot odlično. Kar se tiče ponujenih storitev, so potniki izrazili največje zadovoljstvo s Voznik in Vrednost za denar. Spodaj lahko vidite nekaj ocen, ki so jih pustili naši popotniki:
pri/ob MARTA
Worked fine to get us from Banja Luka to Zagreb for a flight
The booking process was easy and it was great that I could do it online before leaving on my trip, as I didn't fancy trying to navigate buying tickets at the bus station in Banja Luka. The bus left right on time and the journey was pretty smooth, with the driver, despite not speaking English, taking the numbers from our tickets without any problem and stowing our luggage for us. It was a relatively long trip (about 5 hours, in a pretty small bus), but it was comfortable and got us to Zagreb in plenty of time to get to the airport. It was a hot late summer day when we travelled but the bus had air conditioning and I was neither too hot nor too cold, so no complaints there. ... The transport was a minibus rather than a coach, which I hadn't expected but wasn't a particular problem as there was space for our suitcase in a luggage compartment attached to the rear. The driver didn't speak English but to be fair I hadn't expected him to, and he drove safely and comfortably. There were seatbelts on the bus but they didn't seem to function, at least not in the two different seats I tried, although I gather the law is a little looser in that regard in Bosnia.
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