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      Thieving drivers and stench
      pri/ob Anonymous | 24 julij2.5
      Voznik2.5Urejenost2.5Vrednost za denar2.5Udobna vožnja2.5

      First of all, the smell! Quite frankly, it's hard to stand the stench throughout the trip, and it even makes some travelers vomit. But if that's all it was During one of the many breaks at around 9am, the driver was very insistent that everyone get off the bus, and even went so far as to wake up those who were asleep by shouting at them. We find this bizarre and once outside we see that they're locking the bus and starting to pull the shutters. I get closer and see through the window that they're searching passengers' bags on top of the seats. The driver sees me, insults me and continues to close the shutters even tighter. So I warn the other passengers who are about to knock and insist that the bus be reopened. It takes several minutes for them to put all the bags back. Finally, on checking our belongings, nothing was missing, because they had put everything back. Please note that the mention of the presence of an electrical socket as stipulated on the ticket is fraudulent. In fact, there's only a single power strip on the toilet with 6 charging points for around forty passengers. We also made a short stop on the emergency lane when the drivers couldn't find their way. Finally, we stopped in a wasteland in Chambéry so that the driver could drop off an orange bag containing I don't know what on this abandoned plot of land. When we asked him why we had stopped there, he answered in Bulgarian only with annoyance. In short, simply run away from this horrible place, the low prices aren't worth it for everything you have to put up with on this horrible journey.
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      À fuir
      pri/ob Anonymous | 20 december2.5
      Voznik2.5Urejenost2.5Vrednost za denar2.5Udobna vožnja2.5

      Je suis arrivée en avance, le chauffeur n’a même pas regardé mon billet ni mes papiers d’identité. Il ne m’a pas dit si ce bus allait à Lyon. L’intérieur était hyper détérioré et sale. Cela puait, personne ne parlait ni anglais ni français ni italien, je suis donc rester quelques heures ne sachant pas où j’allais. Nous sommes arrivés avec 1h de retard car le bus n’arrivait pas à se repérer dans Lyon (les chauffeurs ont trouvé cela judicieux de faire des demis tours au milieu de la route). Lors d’une pause j’ai demandé au chauffeur si on arrivait bien à 13h30 car j’avais une correspondance et il m’a dit qu’il ne savait pas que l’on verrait. C’était la première et dernière fois que je prenais cette compagnie.
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      ITABUS 2205
      pri/ob John’s | 20 november2.5
      Voznik2.5Urejenost2.5Vrednost za denar2.5Udobna vožnja2.5

      Nulla !
      Più che un viaggio di “piacere” è stato di puro TERRORE poiché il conducente ed il referente ha erogato a bordo un servizio pessimo chiamasi Camorristico per l’atteggiamento aggressivo ,lesivo e minatorio inveendo contro un gruppo di tre ragazzi che desideravano gentilezza e disponibilità ed anche un briciolo di “comfort “ . Se dovessi consigliare la codesta compagnia ? Preferirei tace e sceglierne un altra anche con un prezzo nettamente superiore ! Pessimo la pulizia , comunicazione e il servizio offerto poiché sprovvisti di denaro per effettuare saldo autostradale e carburante . Hanno arrecato un disagio terrorizzante! Cordiali Saluti M.M
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      Wenn man sich seinen Urlaub versauen will, ist das der richtige Bus Anbieter!
      pri/ob Anonymous | 11 oktober2.5
      Voznik2.5Urejenost2.5Vrednost za denar2.5Udobna vožnja2.5

      Niemals buchen...Katastrophe! Wir wollten am 29.09. von Leipzig nach Sofia. Abfahrt 16:30. Wie empfohlen 30 Minuten eher da gewesen. 17:05 kam eine Mail, dass der Bus in 30 Min. kommt. 18:23 per WhatsApp nachgefragt...in 30-40 Min. 20 Uhr nachgefragt per WhatsApp: Verzögerung wegen Unfall auf Autobahn. 21-22 Uhr keine Reaktion mehr auf mehrere WhatsApp-Nachrichten. 22 Uhr dann: Sorry der Bus ist an Leipzig vorbeigefahren, obwohl Stau wieder aufgelöst. 5:30h! gewartet, Bus-Tickets werden erstattet, aber Kosten für Hotel, Rückflug etc. nicht. Plus: Städtetrip für das verlängerte Wochenende ruiniert! Für die Verspätung wegen Stau kann keiner was, aber danach einfach absichtlich einen Stop auslassen, obwohl wir die ganze Zeit in Kontakt standen, ist an Dreistigkeit nicht zu überbieten!!! Update 11.10.: Versprochene Erstattung des Tickets nicht erhalten (bis zu 5 Banktage sind schon locker rum). Chargeback-Fall bei VISA eröffnet. Sehr vorsichtig sein bei diesem "Busbetreiber"!
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      Refund never received
      pri/ob Yassmin | 02 september2.5
      Voznik2.5Urejenost2.5Vrednost za denar2.5Udobna vožnja2.5

      I requested a refund on time for a trip that I would no longer be able to do, they promised me they would reimburse me but after weeks I never received any money and they no longer respond to emails. Never again
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      Violent Driver
      pri/ob Ellen | 30 avgust5
      Voznik2.5Urejenost7.5Vrednost za denar5Udobna vožnja5

      The driver was physically aggressive with someone who wanted to get on the bus, but was, for reasons I don’t know, not allowed to. The guy was definitely troubled and seemed drunk, so totally get he was not allowed. The bus driver pushed him and touched his head. When the bus drove off and the young guy showed his middle finger, the bus driver stopped the bus abruptly, got out and ran to the guy to fight him! Luckily we were a few people intervening and the guy was not badly hurt. So unnecessary. Also racing down the mountain roads, I felt unsafe with an impulsive, reactive, aggressive driver.
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      Poor service
      pri/ob Anonymous | 05 avgust2.5
      Voznik2.5Urejenost2.5Vrednost za denar2.5Udobna vožnja2.5

      Didn't like the service at all.
      The bus had no A/C and had large windows that cannot be opened. They had no cover or any drapes of sort. to stop the sun. The sun during the 3 hours travel to Bansko was baking us. It was 3 hours long sauna experience. People on the bus were elderly, children, and a few French and English people (a group I think). It is wonder how someone did not get overheated, or stroke. Same exactly happened on the way back. Never ever I will use this company again. If you want to be slowly backed go ahead. Driver was neurotic, lots of brakes on high speed. Maybe he was overheated as well.
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      pri/ob Salvatore | 05 avgust10
      Voznik10Urejenost10Vrednost za denar10Udobna vožnja10

      Io e la mia fidanzata abbiamo viaggiato con Christian da Losanna a Milano. È stato un viaggio super confortevole, guida perfetta e molto sicura. L’autista Cristian oltre a essere di una professionalità impeccabile, ha mostrato sicurezza e una simpatia unica. Spero di incontrarlo al prossimo viaggio, veramente il miglior autista che abbia mai incontrato.
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      Florence to Milano
      pri/ob Lucija | 30 julij3.13
      Voznik2.5Urejenost5Vrednost za denar2.5Udobna vožnja2.5

      Travelled from Florence to Milano (Lampugnano): the bus arrived 50mins late, not because of any external factors (traffic, weather, etc.) but because the bus driver decided to make a stop on some random gas station. Mind you, this happened after travelling for only an hour. The stop was supposed to last 10mins, but the driver didn't appear for another 20mins, so at the end it was almost 30mins where the passengers didn't know what was happening. Very irresponsible.
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      Le chauffeur qui m'a sauvé la vie
      pri/ob Begaj | 29 julij9.38
      Voznik10Urejenost10Vrednost za denar7.5Udobna vožnja10

      Scusate il mio italiano. Ho viaggiato la notte tra la domenica è il lunedì notte da Milano per Lausanne con Christian della Morandi. Durante il viaggio, ho iniziato a sentirmi male, dolori tremendi e vomito. Ho avvisato il conducente che prontamente ha fermato il bus e mi ha prestato soccorso reggendomi la testa e aiutandomi con dell’acqua. Christian è una persona molto disponibile e brava. Lui ha capito subito che stavo avendo delle coliche renali e mi ha prestato soccorso. Al mio arrivo a Lausanne ho trovato un’ambulanza che mi aspettava, chiamata da lui. Lo vorrei ringraziare di cuore per il suo aiuto e la sua professionalità. Graziee…
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      Un super viaggio!
      pri/ob Annalisa | 27 julij10
      Voznik10Urejenost10Vrednost za denar10Udobna vožnja10

      La professionalità, la simpatia e la vitalità dell'autista Christian ( unico! ) che ha una guida splendida e una grande affabilità con i suoi passeggeri:) il viaggio è stato confortevole e leggero, l'alba dal bus è stata magnifica sorpresa!
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      Stole my money and lied about it. Their website froze during payment for my ticket
      pri/ob Max | 29 junij2.5
      Voznik2.5Urejenost2.5Vrednost za denar2.5Udobna vožnja2.5
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      Non è mai arrivato
      pri/ob Anonymous | 19 maj2.5
      Voznik2.5Urejenost2.5Vrednost za denar2.5Udobna vožnja2.5

      Terrificante. €70 di biglietto, partenza alle 6. Alle 5.30 avvisano del ritardo di 1.30h, alle 11 l’autobus era ancora un miraggio. Non penso sia mai arrivato :)
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      Don't use this company
      pri/ob Martin | 19 marec3.75
      Voznik2.5Urejenost5Vrednost za denar5Udobna vožnja2.5

      11 hours trip, okay, we waited 1 hour on the Turkish-Bulgarian border. In the bus it was too hot. Driver also decided to stop 2 times to smoke but this was not enough for him. Alongside the Turkish oriental music we were made to listen through the whole trip, we were also surprised from the cigarette smoke. Yes, the second driver lit his cigarette two times. He couldn't wait for the next stop. Do you recognise yourself, driver? If, not still, it was the one missing 4 front teeth. Not to mention, none of the 3 Arda Tur drivers/employees knew any other language than Turkish.
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      Punaises de lit dans les sièges
      pri/ob Anonymous | 02 februar2.5
      Voznik2.5Urejenost2.5Vrednost za denar2.5Udobna vožnja2.5Točnost5Urejenost2.5Udobna vožnja5

      Au moins, le voyage était à l'heure. 12 heures de bus de nuit. Le bus a fait des pauses tout au long de la nuit et à des heures improbables. Impossible de dormir. Les contrôles de police française et suisse ont duré plus de 40 minutes chacun. Conseille? Payez un peu plus mais prenez le train
      J'ai été mordue par des punaises pendant le voyage. J'ai d'énormes boutons sur les mains, les chevilles et le dos.
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