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PragaSpindleruv Mlyn
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Ruma é uma estação em Sérvia com ligações intercidades em ( Belgrado, Novi Sad, Sabac...) p. ex.: ( Belgrado, Novi Sad, Sabac...) e ligações internacionais para Bósnia e Herzegovina ( Sarajevo (Leste), Sarajevo, Banja Luka...), Croácia ( Zagreb, Split, Sinj...), Eslovénia ( Liubliana, Novo Mesto e Catez ob Savi) e 2 outros países Europeus.
Em Ruma temos localizado 1 terminal de autocarro e 2 paragens de autocarro:
Poor air conditioning, NO wifi on bus.WRONG departure point on your website..
Safe driver. There is a new bus station in Ruma. Your coordinates are for the derelict, abandoned old one. New bus station is in a different location in Ruma. If you are from out of the country and don’t have local friends and family you would be stuck. Last year the bus was picking up at the old station but now huge piles of rubbish block entrance to old station....Being supplied wrong departure point in Ruma, no wifi on bus and heat in bus.
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