ZagrzebSlavonski Brod
0 mintemuInformacje o linii
Mostar (wschód)Sarajewo
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0 mintemuInformacje o linii
ZakopaneBukowina Tatrzańska
2 mintemuInformacje o linii
Znajdź bilety na autobus, prom, pociąg lub samolot
przez DARIO
Good ride, still ways to improve
The ride was nice, and the bus was pretty good. It had wifi and charging outlets. The driver was good and I felt safe (which is not what I feel always when taking busses). ... The air in the bus was too hot, as if the air conditioning wasn't working or they didn't turn it on and the air felt stuffed even though it was not a hot day. While this was the only thing that hindered the experience it is very important for the passengers to feel good.
Stosunek jakości do ceny
Komfortowa jazda
Przegląd trasy | Kluczowe informacje |
Stacja odjazdu | Biograd na Moru |
Stacja docelowa | Maribor |
Dystans | 407 km |
Czas podróży | 01:00 |