ZagrzebSlavonski Brod
0 mintemuInformacje o linii
Mostar (wschód)Sarajewo
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0 mintemuInformacje o linii
ZakopaneBukowina Tatrzańska
2 mintemuInformacje o linii
Znajdź bilety na autobus, prom, pociąg lub samolot
przez ANDREI
Driver with a good heart.
I was amazed with attitude of the driver. He was very concerned to get me to a final destination. He almost brought me to my hotel, even he didn’t have to do that and I didn’t ask him to do that. Before we reached our final destination he asked several people how to get there, and then we were close to the place, I told him that I’ll walk there myself since it was just 300 meters a way. If everyone will be like him the life in this world will be easier. ... The price on the site where I purchased the ticket was higher than in the bus station. I could buy there ticket without any hassle.
Stosunek jakości do ceny
Komfortowa jazda
Przegląd trasy | Kluczowe informacje |
Stacja odjazdu | Bangkok |
Stacja docelowa | Prachuap Khiri Khan |
Codzienne odjazdy | Ponad 18 odjazdów autobusów , w tym ponad 6 autobusów nocnych. |
Najwcześniejsze odjazdy | 09:30 |
Ostatni odjazd | 23:59 |
Dystans | 284 km |
Czas podróży | 04:45 |