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      Wenn man sich seinen Urlaub versauen will, ist das der richtige Bus Anbieter!
      uživatele Anonymous | 11 října2.5
      Driver2.5Tidiness2.5Value for money2.5Comfortable ride2.5

      Niemals buchen...Katastrophe! Wir wollten am 29.09. von Leipzig nach Sofia. Abfahrt 16:30. Wie empfohlen 30 Minuten eher da gewesen. 17:05 kam eine Mail, dass der Bus in 30 Min. kommt. 18:23 per WhatsApp nachgefragt...in 30-40 Min. 20 Uhr nachgefragt per WhatsApp: Verzögerung wegen Unfall auf Autobahn. 21-22 Uhr keine Reaktion mehr auf mehrere WhatsApp-Nachrichten. 22 Uhr dann: Sorry der Bus ist an Leipzig vorbeigefahren, obwohl Stau wieder aufgelöst. 5:30h! gewartet, Bus-Tickets werden erstattet, aber Kosten für Hotel, Rückflug etc. nicht. Plus: Städtetrip für das verlängerte Wochenende ruiniert! Für die Verspätung wegen Stau kann keiner was, aber danach einfach absichtlich einen Stop auslassen, obwohl wir die ganze Zeit in Kontakt standen, ist an Dreistigkeit nicht zu überbieten!!! Update 11.10.: Versprochene Erstattung des Tickets nicht erhalten (bis zu 5 Banktage sind schon locker rum). Chargeback-Fall bei VISA eröffnet. Sehr vorsichtig sein bei diesem "Busbetreiber"!
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      Violent Driver
      uživatele Ellen | 30 srpna5
      Driver2.5Tidiness7.5Value for money5Comfortable ride5

      The driver was physically aggressive with someone who wanted to get on the bus, but was, for reasons I don’t know, not allowed to. The guy was definitely troubled and seemed drunk, so totally get he was not allowed. The bus driver pushed him and touched his head. When the bus drove off and the young guy showed his middle finger, the bus driver stopped the bus abruptly, got out and ran to the guy to fight him! Luckily we were a few people intervening and the guy was not badly hurt. So unnecessary. Also racing down the mountain roads, I felt unsafe with an impulsive, reactive, aggressive driver.
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      Poor service
      uživatele Anonymous | 05 srpna2.5
      Driver2.5Tidiness2.5Value for money2.5Comfortable ride2.5

      Didn't like the service at all.
      The bus had no A/C and had large windows that cannot be opened. They had no cover or any drapes of sort. to stop the sun. The sun during the 3 hours travel to Bansko was baking us. It was 3 hours long sauna experience. People on the bus were elderly, children, and a few French and English people (a group I think). It is wonder how someone did not get overheated, or stroke. Same exactly happened on the way back. Never ever I will use this company again. If you want to be slowly backed go ahead. Driver was neurotic, lots of brakes on high speed. Maybe he was overheated as well.
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      Stole my money and lied about it. Their website froze during payment for my ticket
      uživatele Max | 29 června2.5
      Driver2.5Tidiness2.5Value for money2.5Comfortable ride2.5
      Ověřená recenze
      Don't use this company
      uživatele Martin | 19 března3.75
      Driver2.5Tidiness5Value for money5Comfortable ride2.5

      11 hours trip, okay, we waited 1 hour on the Turkish-Bulgarian border. In the bus it was too hot. Driver also decided to stop 2 times to smoke but this was not enough for him. Alongside the Turkish oriental music we were made to listen through the whole trip, we were also surprised from the cigarette smoke. Yes, the second driver lit his cigarette two times. He couldn't wait for the next stop. Do you recognise yourself, driver? If, not still, it was the one missing 4 front teeth. Not to mention, none of the 3 Arda Tur drivers/employees knew any other language than Turkish.
      Ověřená recenze
      What a terrible experience
      uživatele Ashley | 30 srpna2.5
      Driver2.5Tidiness2.5Value for money2.5Comfortable ride2.5

      The drivers, all of them were completely disgusting human beings. Spitting as they speak, smoking on board and being so rude on countless occasions making us feel very uncomfortable. The woman checking tickets was also rude and nobody spoke even simple English, like being in another world entirely. I recommend that you steer as far away from this company as physically and digitally possible, the most horrendous and did I mention the most DELAYED journey of my life, delayed by 5 hours in total to be precise.
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      позорное отношение к детям, женщинам и животным! Живодеры!
      uživatele Светлана | 24 května2.5
      Driver2.5Tidiness2.5Value for money2.5Comfortable ride2.5

      НИЧЕГО! Варвары из пещеры первобытнообщинного строя
      Всем людям добрый день! Но представителей автобусной международной компании Арда тур – я не могу назвать не то чтобы добрыми людьми, я их не могу назвать просто даже людьми. Я с ребенком 11 лет и собакой – весом 2 кг – йоркширский терьер пыталась переехать ночным рейсом из Стамбула в Софию. Билеты покупала предварительно через интернет, также я писала администрации о возможности переезда с маленькой собакой. Отказа от Арда тур не было! В ночь выезда с 20 мая я приехала на посадку. 1. Посадка шла не по расписанию. Автобус опоздал с выездом на 1,5 часа. (это тоже характеризует компанию, как некомпетентную. 2. Когда представитель Арда тур увидел нас с собакой – он сказал, что собака идет в багажное отделение. я сказала, что маленькие собаки не выдерживают поездок и у них отказывает сердце и они умирают. также я сказала, что огромные чемоданы, которые не привязаны в багажном отделении просто могут убить собаку. представитель сказал, что ему все равно что будет с собакой и с нами всеми – главное что ПОЛИТИКА компании не пускать в салон собак (даже крошечных) и даже в переноске. Далее 1,5 часа – три представителя компании то запихивали нас внутрь салона, то выгоняли из салона и в итоге они нас выгнали. Это было откровенное издевательство надо мной и моим 11 летним ребенком и даже над собакой, которая все очень тонко чувствует и она тряслась от ужаса – что с ней будет. Денег они естественно нам не вернули и более того им было абсолютно наплевать куда денусь я среди ночи с 11 летним ребенком багажом и маленькой испуганной собакой. Я везде напишу где только можно – о том, что это не компания - это первобытнообщинная деревня и фирма живодеров времен инквизиции.
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      Alles gut verlaufen
      uživatele Thalia | 07 dubna8.75
      Driver10Tidiness7.5Value for money7.5Comfortable ride10

      Ich hatte die Bewertungen erst nach Buchung gelesen und war leicht irritiert und besorgt, dass meine Reise nicht reibungslos verlaufen wird. Vor Ort war dann doch alles ok. Der Bus in Sofia fährt nicht direkt vor der Central Bus Station, sondern bei dem kleineren Busbahnhof (Serdika Bus Station) kurz vor der Central Railway Station (ca 100-200 Meter entfernt). Der Bus ist pünktlich losgefahren und sogar ca 15 Minuten früher angekommen als geplant. Der Bus war sehr leer, nur ca 15 Leute sind mitgefahren, was auch sehr angenehm war.
      Der Bus war ein bisschen zu arg geheizt, was ich aber in allen Bussen in Bulgarien wahrgenommen habe (scheint dort gängig zu sein). Zudem hat man seine Koffer unten einfach reingetan, ohne Aufsicht und ohne dass sie irgendwie registriert worden sind. Am Ende war mein Koffer trotzdem noch da
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      Ověřená recenze
      uživatele Anonymous | 28 ledna5
      Driver5Tidiness7.5Value for money5Comfortable ride2.5

      I liked that there was nobody next to my seat otherwise we would feel like sardines in a can. I am 1.62cm tall and I was feeling like in a can. The seats are so tiny like for kids in the kindergarten. The boy behind me was tall one, all the time the knees in my back. Poor boy feeling even worse.
      The bus is 30 years old and smells bad inside. The driver was opening the window to smoke, bringing even more bad smell and becoming cold in the bus. Driving 100km per hour when outside is minus 5 is terrible. The bus is slow usually takes 4.45 minutes, the bus was so powerless that it took 45mins more than usual. At the end the driver turned off the heating. It was freezing. This company is big and all the buses are absolutely disgusting. Last year I travelled to Thessaloniki from Sofia the bus got overheated and we had to stop 3 times to it can cool off, add water and somehow get safe to Thessaloniki. Why the hell they don't change buses????????????????
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      Worse experience ever!
      uživatele Vanessa | 08 ledna2.5
      Driver2.5Tidiness2.5Value for money2.5Comfortable ride2.5

      No wifi, no restroom, very loud buses with bus driver smoking by the window every five minutes, I ask to change seat and was ignored the person next to me caughed loudly for five hours straight and the staff just laughed and even allowed them to move in the back when they ask in last hour of the trip
      Ověřená recenze
      Both the drivers lit up cigarettes and make the journey smelly and disgusting. .
      uživatele Mark | 16 listopadu6.25
      Driver2.5Tidiness10Value for money10Comfortable ride2.5

      Bought ticket as rated # 1.. Totally spoilt by the smoking.
      Smoke infested bus
      Ověřená recenze
      That was a nightmare
      uživatele Gabriela | 03 července3.75
      Driver7.5Tidiness2.5Value for money2.5Comfortable ride2.5

      I have no place to enjoy of the trip anymore
      The travel was the most terrible and worst than everything before. It was like a horror movie of Stephen King. The bus is late with 9 hours. They forgot to took me from the bus station and i was waiting on the street more than 40 minutes. If you have opportunitie never travel with Union Ivkoni
      Ověřená recenze
      The driver was very rude and angry and he humiliated me in front of all other people because my ticket was printed and not bought. He was screaming and yelling at me for no appearent reason. His behavor was uneccepted.
      uživatele Jonilda | 13 ledna4.38
      Driver5Tidiness5Value for money5Comfortable ride2.5

      Ověřená recenze
      Paid higher price for the facilities advertised but were not available
      uživatele Anonymous | 26 května7.5
      Driver7.5Tidiness7.5Value for money7.5Comfortable ride7.5

      Easy to book
      No drinks on board for 6 hour journey but did stop off for toilet break which cost $1 to use Toilet kept locked on bus only crew could use Allocated a seat next to someone when there were empty rows
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