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Celkové skóre všech recenzí zanechaných na GetByBus
Řidič2.5Čistota2.5Hodnota za peníze2.5Pohodlnost jízdy2.5
Bus Paris vers Amsterdam, le vendredi 18 Aout 2023, 7h20 de trajet, sans toilettes, sans wifi, et avec un chauffeur insultant.
Flixbus ne respecte pas ses propres prestations de voyage, et refuse les remboursements. Ce sont des pratiques frauduleuses.
Et en prenant connaissance des autres avis, cela ressemble à une politique volontaire de la part de cette société.
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De terror
uživatele Anonymous | 17 srpna4.38 -
Řidič2.5Čistota2.5Hodnota za peníze7.5Pohodlnost jízdy5
Los dos conductores manejaban bien y correcto, ningún sobresalto en la ruta. Los chóferes fueron muy groseros, insultando en español a pasajeros que sólo hablaban en francés o inglés, realmente fueron demasiado agresivos, sobretodo con un pasajero enfermo que se hizo encima y el chófer le tiró el diccionario de groserías por la cabeza a los gritos, se que es una situación estresante pero nos puso a todos los pasajeros de pésimo humor con su actitud para nada profesional gritando que todos son unos asquerosos, puercos, etc, etc...
Además en cada parada hubo problemas con los asientos porque a la empresa se le ocurre especular hasta último minuto con la compra de asientos y envía la ubicación final de asientos una hora antes de partir y muchos pasajeros ni se enteran, así que en cada parada el chofer demoró muchísimo tiempo tratando de solucionar el problema con pasajeros parados e Incluso con pasajeros que subieron al bus sin billete, en algún momento después de la confusión subió otra persona (no pasajero) al bus y se paro al frente de todos los pasajeros gritando algo en árabe que no se entendió pero causó Inquietud, no fue un buen momento.
Por último, y a estas alturas parece un asunto ínfimo pero llegamos mas de una hora tarde a destino, bravo.
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Eviten usar esta transporte
uživatele Claudia | 21 června2.5 -
Řidič2.5Čistota2.5Hodnota za peníze2.5Pohodlnost jízdy2.5
NADA Bus llegó con media hora de retraso al terminal de Barcelona. No se etiquetó el equipaje (cualquiera podría llevarse la maleta de otra persona). Nadie te ayudaba a poner el equipaje en el depósito. Chofer y asistente sólo preocupados del teléfono. Baño asqueroso, sin papel higiénico. Pésimo servicio
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Cancelled trips, services missing, no CS
uživatele Anonymous | 07 června3.75 -
Řidič5Čistota5Hodnota za peníze2.5Pohodlnost jízdy2.5
Some drivers are friendly Original trip cancelled last minute so booking something else was impossible - I had to go for the cheaper option I originally avoided without compensation
Delay at departure without info
No electric outlets
Due to the delay, I missed the connection (that I shouldn't have had to take as per my original booking) and no other options at midnight arrival at transfer (instead of 18:15)
Customer service didn't help day of and keep on inventing lies why they won't refund after (there was no delay, I'm not the traveller?!?, they already refunded...)
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Avoid like the plague
uživatele Bec | 31 května3.75 -
Řidič2.5Čistota5Hodnota za peníze5Pohodlnost jízdy2.5
It was the only bus service on offer that day that could get us to London. Its not worth the cheaper ticket, don't do it!
The driver was smoking on the bus (both at the door entrance and while driving).
There was very poor communication about what is happening; e.g. rushed to customs, but it was not clear what we were doing. In fact, much of the time the driver/s didn't appear to know what the process was either. It did not help that their English was limited.
There was no indication when buying a ticket that part of the journey included a ferry ride - which we were stuck stationary waiting 4 hours for because the first ferry didn't leave until 6am - the journey seemed very poorly co-ordinated.
Facilities on the coach are severely lacking: No WiFi or charging ports on the bus, and no toilet onboard for an 11 hour journey. We stopped twice.
It was an overnight bus and driver/s were often speaking loudly to each other, listening loudly to videos on their phones without headphones in, or turning on the bright lights intermittently. Very poor comfort for a long haul trip.
The driver was seen to be talking on phone while driving for much of the journey.
Can another company please provide a competitive service - anyone could do better than this.
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Very very very bad company
uživatele Alad | 28 května3.13 -
Řidič5Čistota2.5Hodnota za peníze2.5Pohodlnost jízdy2.5
Absolutely nothing. I booked my ticket 9:30 am , 2 days before the trip, day before they sent message to say they have rebooked me same day 11:50am ,with not even get back or ask me!! I arrived to the station to gate 20 At Victoria station, 11:40 received message say that will be delayed for 30 minutes, which should make it at 12:20 pm, at 12:20 no bus or driver appear or any one to give any update to the passengers,((which all of them confirmed that it’s there first time they use this company)) the driver appear at 1 pm and he said that the company told him 12:30 that there is trip he has to take to paris !! , 1:15 bus departed we arrived to Dover at 4pm , the driver announced that the company didn’t pay for the ferry and there is £1000 fine!!! All passengers get mad including me, driver promised he will try his best !! At 7 pm he managed to get bus into the ferry . We arrived paris 1 am at local time , overall was very very very bad trip will never ever use or suggest this company.
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Punaises de lit dans les sièges
uživatele Anonymous | 02 února2.5 -
Řidič2.5Čistota2.5Hodnota za peníze2.5Pohodlnost jízdy2.5Dochvilnost5Pořádek2.5Pohodlná jízda5
Au moins, le voyage était à l'heure. 12 heures de bus de nuit. Le bus a fait des pauses tout au long de la nuit et à des heures improbables. Impossible de dormir.
Les contrôles de police française et suisse ont duré plus de 40 minutes chacun. Conseille? Payez un peu plus mais prenez le train J'ai été mordue par des punaises pendant le voyage. J'ai d'énormes boutons sur les mains, les chevilles et le dos.
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Toujours en retard
uživatele Anonymous | 23 ledna6.88 -
Řidič7.5Čistota10Hodnota za peníze5Pohodlnost jízdy5Dochvilnost2.5Pořádek10Pohodlná jízda5
J’emprunte le bus de 4h de tours vers Paris. Le bus n’est jamais à l’heure et aucune information de la part de BlaBlaCar. Plus de 45 min d’attente sous ce froid. Le pire c’est que mon nom de figurait pas dans la liste du chauffeur sachant que j’ai réservé deux semaines à l’avance. Le retard
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Bus that never was
uživatele Luka | 20 ledna2.5 -
Řidič2.5Čistota2.5Hodnota za peníze2.5Pohodlnost jízdy2.5Dochvilnost2.5Pořádek2.5Pohodlná jízda2.5
Nothing Bus that was supposed to come at 01.20am never showed up and i was left alone in the middle of the night in the empty bus station near the road. Half an hour later i receive mail that my bus is delayed and will come at 4am. That is 3 hours alone in the night for a small girl in the middle of bus station ( they are very dangerous in france ) Of course the bus at 4 didn't come as well making me miss my next bus and essentially waste 150€. DO NOT BOOK THIS BUS COMPANY!!
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Unacceptable behaviour from Blabla customer service
uživatele Anonymous | 16 ledna6.88 -
Řidič10Čistota7.5Hodnota za peníze2.5Pohodlnost jízdy7.5Dochvilnost2.5Pořádek7.5Pohodlná jízda5
My initial depature time was 23:59 from Paris Bercy. After waiting for more than 1 hour after the proposed depature time, we finally received an email from Blabla Bus that the new depature time would be on the following day at 08:30. Because of this I had to PAY for a taxi to get back (no more public transport) to hotel for another night in addition to loss of time and money due to the abrupt change of schedule by BlablaBus. I wrote to ask for refund because according to their website I was entitled to one if the bus was delayed over 120 minutes according to their website (, but I was rejected because I had already "arrived at the destination", but rest assured because they "forwarded my message to the rest of the team." and my "feedback will help improve the quality of our services". No other compensation. They are basically short of saying "Piss off" at this point. Absolutely horrible behaviour by the customer service. Next time save yourself a trouble and book Flixbus instead.
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Do not spend money on booking seats!
uživatele Anonymous | 11 listopadu4.38 -
Řidič5Čistota7.5Hodnota za peníze2.5Pohodlnost jízdy2.5
Bus was on time. I paid money to book a seat in the front row, because I get travel sick easily. Turns out, the first row is "reserved for the driver" and nobody can sit there. So, paid money for nothing. The seat reservation system just gets ignored by everyone on the bus. Don't spend money on a reservation if you are booking with this company!
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Incredibly horrible ride
uživatele Janet | 23 října2.5 -
Řidič2.5Čistota2.5Hodnota za peníze2.5Pohodlnost jízdy2.5
The bus was late for 2 hours, we suppose to arrive paris at 10am next day but it turns out to be 6 hrs late. This is because we were late so we have to wait for 5 hours for getting on the ferry.
Called CS, the person is very rude, totally unbelievable.
Bus is dirty, with stains on table and rubbish in seat pocket. No charger and I booked the trip at 4 people together but we are totally seperate into different seats. Seat 6,9,26 and 32. I am forced to squeeze next to a chubby lady. Asked the driver if I could seat in the front as there is a vacant seat there but he rejected me very rudely.
It has been a tortour ride for such a long travelling time. Though the fare is cheap but there is really no service we can say. Shame on union ivkoni! Everything
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Poor experience; wouldn't travel with them again
uživatele Arthur | 20 srpna3.75 -
Řidič5Čistota2.5Hodnota za peníze2.5Pohodlnost jízdy5
We made it to Paris, albeit nearly 12 hours after leaving London Four of us traveled from London to Paris in late July. The bus was not very clean, two of the tray tables were broken, there was a lack of charging ports, the second driver secured the air conditioning/blowers which made it stuffy and uncomfortable, and the first driver locked the bathroom once we arrived at Dover, where we waited for two hours prior to boarding the ferry. Certainly not worth the $835 we paid for the trip.
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Ignoring me
uživatele Anonymous | 15 června4.38 -
Řidič10Čistota2.5Hodnota za peníze2.5Pohodlnost jízdy2.5
The driver couldn’t apologises enough Trying to contact this company for a refund request there still blanking me I’ve tried calling emailing social media they won’t deal with anything!!
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Horrible night bus ride
uživatele DINU | 06 května3.75 -
Řidič2.5Čistota5Hodnota za peníze5Pohodlnost jízdy2.5
The bus was on time, I guess. First, blablabus asks us if we wish to pay 4 euros more for selecting the seat, and the bus doesn't have the correct seating numbers and everyone sits at whatever place they want. Glad didn't take that service
Also, being a night ride, at each stop the driver would just casually turn on the lights at full capacity, for some unknown reasons.
Then, always when leaving, he isn't checking who is on board and who isn't, honks once then leaves.
Seats uncomfortable, no electrical plugs, even if it was mentioned while booking.
Never doing it again
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