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Gajac az egyik a legnépszerűbb hely az országban Horvátország helyközi járatok miatt az országban 20 városa felé, mint például ( Zágráb, Split, Fiume...).
Gajac népszerű rendeltetési pihenőhely az egész világ turistáira.
Ebben a helyben Gajac találtunk 3 autóbusz-állomás:
A városhoz a legközelebbi repülőtér Gajac, Horvátország messze van attól a repülőtértől Split (Repülőtér), 184862.
To whom it may concern, I took the bus from Gajac to Zadar on the 10th of September 2024, departing at 11:50 and arriving at 13:35, and I may have lost a small black leather wallet during the trip. The wallet contains one credit card with my name (Tomas Becker von Sothen Ralston) and approximately 90 euros in cash. Could you kindly inform me if it has been found, and how I should proceed in recovering it? Thank you for your assistance. Best regards Tomas Becker von Sothen Ralston...To whom it may concern, I took the bus from Gajac to Zadar on the 10th of September 2024, departing at 11:50 and arriving at 13:35, and I may have lost a small black leather wallet during the trip. The wallet contains one credit card with my name (Tomas Becker von Sothen Ralston) and approximately 90 euros in cash. Could you kindly inform me if it has been found, and how I should proceed in recovering it? Thank you for your assistance. Best regards Tomas Becker von Sothen Ralston