Vienna Austria

Warsaw – Vienna

When travelling between Warsaw and Vienna, taking an intercity bus is maybe not the first thing which comes to your mind, but if you are on a budget taking the bus is for sure something to consider. The travelling distance between the cities is a bit less than 700 km, which equals a bus travel time of about 11 – 12 hours, the route is operated with modern long distance buses, most routes also have several breaks on the way.

If you are taking the bus from Warsaw to Vienna, you should pay attention to where your bus is departing as the departure location depend on the bus company you wish to travel with, as we wrote in our post about bused from Warsaw to Berlin, there are at least 3 different stations which are uses. When you search for buses between Warsaw and Vienna, you will see that the departure location is stated in the booking process and the exact address / location is also printed on your ticket.

If you are traveling in the opposite direction from Vienna to Warsaw, you also have 3 different departure location, depending on the bus company, either your bus will departure from the VIB bus station, the bus station at Stadioncenter or at the bus station Wiedner Guertel, which is in front of the central station. Both from direction Vienna as as well as from direction Warsaw you have night bus departures.

Having 3 different departure location in each city obviously means that there is 3 different arrival station, so make sure also to check which one is the most convenient in relation to your accommodation.

Other ways of travelling between Warsaw and Vienna.

Train: If paying a bit more for your ticket is not issue, train is a fairly fast and comfortable way of traveling between Vienna and Warsaw, each day there are 2-3 direct trains with a travel time of about 7 hours, on most days there is also a night train between the cities.

Flight: Both LOT (Polish airlines) and Austrian airlines operated daily non stop flights between the cities, flying time is around 1 hour and 20 minutes

Other popular travel connections between Poland and Austria

The most popular travelling route is probably the one between Vienna and Krakow, which has lots of daily connections, also lots of travellers use the frequent buses between Katowice and Vienna or between Vienna and Wroclaw. In general the two countries are well connected with buses, trains and plane routes.

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