Bus from Madrid

Travelling from Madrid

If you are visiting Madrid and which to continue your travel trough out Europe, you can here see to where you can travel by bus.

Bus from Madrid to France, the top travel route is obviously between Madrid and Paris, this route, which has a travel time of about 19 hours, there are departures daily. Other popular travel routes include Madrid to Bordeaux which also operate daily and Madrid to Toulouse, additionally it is possible to travel destinations like Montpellier, Marseilles, Cannes, Nice and many other French towns.

Bus from Madrid to Italy, the route network include buses to destinations like Rome, Milan, Venice, Torino and other larger cities in Italy. Travel time on select route, from Madrid to Rome about 28 hours, from Madrid to Venice around 30 hours. Majority of buses are direct but in some case an organized bus change is required.

Bus from Madrid to Germany, routes available to cities like, Aachen, Stuttgart, Pforzheim, Karlsruhe, Dusseldorf, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt as well as several other larger cities in Germany. Travel time from e.g. from Madrid to Frankfurt is about 27 hours, from Madrid to Hamburg about 30 hours and from Madrid to Munich also about 30 hours. In some case a bus change is required, but majority of the routes drive direct between the cities.

Paris France

Triumphal arch

Bus from Madrid to Poland, most popular route is the one between Madrid and Warsaw, which takes about 2 days, other destinations available Wroclaw, Lodz, Katowice and Krakow. Buses run several times weekly.

Bus from Madrid to Switzerland, available direct bus connection include bus between Madrid and Zurich or Zurich Airport, as well buses from Madrid to Basel and Madrid to Lausanne, the travel time to Zurich is about 27 hours.

Bus from Madrid to Czech Republic, between Madrid and Prague there are departure 3 times a week, travel time is about 40 hours, so it a quite long trip. but compared to other means of transportation, it is probably the cheapest way to travel between the two cities, especially when caring lots of luggage.

Bus from Madrid to Belgium, several times a week there is direct bus between the Spanish and Belgium capitals, the travel time from Madrid to Brussels is about 21 hours, also it is possible to travel between Madrid and Antwerp which takes about 23 hours.

Bus from Madrid to Netherlands, of course we also have bus from Madrid to Amsterdam, which has a travel time of a bit more than a day, additionally there is bus from Madrid to Rotterdam and between Madrid and Hague, but do not run daily but several.

View on Turin

Bus from Madrid to Portugal, to the neighboring country to the west, there is obviously very good bus connections from Madrid, the most popular routes are Madrid to Oporto and Madrid to Lisbon, travel time to Oporto is about 9 hours and to Lisbon 11-12 hours, buses run everyday except for on some public holidays.

Bus from Madrid to Austria, travelling from Madrid to Vienna, is possible via Munich or Zurich, the travel time is about 30 hours, in addition to travelling to Vienna, the same travel route can be used to get from Madrid to Salzburg or from Madrid to Graz and other towns in Austria.

Bus from Madrid to Romania, travelling with direct bus from Madrid to Bucharest is possible several times a week, travel time is close to 50 hours. On week days where there is no direct bus, the route can be traveled, via Munich or Zurich.

Bus from Madrid to Slovakia, if you are looking to travel from Madrid to Bratislava, you have a few direct connection, but the best option is to travel via either Zurich or Munich, doing so will give you more travel departures to choose between.

Obviously all the mentioned new routes also operate in the opposite direction, so if you are looking to travel to Madrid from anywhere in Europe, you have plenty of options now. If you need to know from where the bus departure in Madrid or any other location, you can check the station locator at GetByBus.com, additionally the departure location is clearly stated during the booking process.

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