Fisherman's Bastion - Budapest - Hungary

Cheapest cities in Europe

We all love to travel. But we also love to save the most money possible. ‘Cheap’ is not the first word that comes to our mind when we choose Europe as our destination, especially in summer months. However, there are several cities which one can consider bargain when it comes to travelling on a budget. […]

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Water park Slovenia

Visiting Petroland Aquapark

Summer is comming! Travelling to the coast can be quite expensive, especially if you’re coming from a country which is not blessed with crystal blue water and breathtaking beaches. If you can’t afford a one-week-long (or even longer) trip, we have a solution for you. Petroland Aquaparkin Becki Petrovac municipality (near Novi Sad) in Serbia […]

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Top 5 Reasons to Visit Denmark

There must be a reason why Danish people are considered to be the happiest in the world! Who wouldn’t be happy living in a beautiful, well-functioning country successfully combining the best of both old and modern Europe? With cobbled streets leading to wild nightclubs, bicycles next to buses driving on biofuels, super friendly people and […]

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