National park Biogradska Gora

The National park Biogradska Gora is situated in the central part of mountain massif Bjelalasica, between Tara and Lima river. The park consists of numerous forests and water surfaces. There are 6 lakes in the park area, among which the greatest is the Lake Biograd. The major part of the park is actually is the protected area of rainforest and it is one of the oldest protected areas in the world, also known by the name of ‘Knjazev zabran’. Some of the trees in the rainforest are estimated to be over 400 years old!

The entrance fee to NP Biogradska Gora is 3€. You can check here the list of other prices in the park (e.g. bike rental, professional guide) and the main entrance is located by the Lake Biograd

What to do at the National park Biogradska Gora?

Hiking: This national park is like a paradise on earth for hikers since it is full of hiking trails and each of them leads to the highest peaks and lakes.

  • In case you’re not too experienced, you should consider hiring a guide because most of the trails are medium-hard and on average, 13 kilometres long. The longest one is 35 km long and it takes approx. 8 hours to finish it.
  • Great news for newbies in hiking! There is also the so-called educational trail, only 3.5 kilometres long and it has 6 interactional stops where you can learn more about the flora and fauna of NP Biogradska Gora

Skiing: Many locals love to spend their winter break at the ski resort Jezerine located on the northern side of Bjelasica that opens up in late December. Skiing and snowboarding school is available for those who are new to the slopes.

Traditional food: Typical dishes of Bjelalasica area mostly include dairy products and meat, since there are many mountain pastures. The specialities are polenta and gruel (or cicvara) and lamb, either cooked or roasted. You can try all of these dishes in a restaurant near the Lake Biograd – and that is pretty much it. So, as an alternative, we recommend bringing sandwiches just in case.

Accommodation: Bungalows near the lake are available for renting, each of them has 4 beds and to stay overnight will cost 45€ which is not the most economical option. On the other hand, camping is possible – but only in specific areas. Pitching a tent costs 3€ and you will have to pay additional 1.5€ per night.

Sinuous trail along Dolovi Lalevica in National park Biogradska Gora

How to get to NP Biogradska Gora?

By bus/train: The closest bus and train stops are in Mojkovac and Kolasin. Here are several options of how to get to the NP:

By car: Visitors mostly come by their own cars because currently there is no direct transport to the National park Biogradska Gora. If you don’t have your own, rent it online.

Additional info

To avoid getting lost in the park, we suggest buying a map in the headquarters of the NP (located in Kolasin) or at a kiosk by the lake. One costs 4€ which shows the entire Bjelalasica massif and the other for 8€ which shows only the NP in details.

  • E-mail address and phone number of the NP Biogradska Gora:, + 382 (0)20 865 625


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