
Bus lines Zagreb – Mostar

Between Zagreb and Mostar (East bus station) we have several daily departures, which operates year around. The buses are operated by various companies like Croatiabus d.o.o and AP Imotski.

The travel time between Zagreb and Mostar is from 7.30 to 9 hours depending on the travel route of the bus. If you are on a round trip, you can even take a bus which travels overnight, in that case you save cost for one night of accommodation, which probably would save you more then the cost of the bus ticket.

If you are planning also to visit cities like Dubrovnik, Split and Zadar, travelling Zagreb – Mostar on the outbound trip or Mostar – Zagreb on the returning trip, is a great way of adding a “most see city” like Mostar to your roundtrip. From Mostar you have direct buses to all the 3 above mentioned cities, as well other cities in BiH and several cities in Montenegro.

You can see more information about buses between Zagreb and Mostar here. From Zagreb the buses departure from the main bus station.

And here you can see more information about buses from Mostar to Zagreb. As mentioned above most of the buses travel from the east bus station in Mostar, but some also departure from the west bus station.

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