Casablanca Bus Station: Get Timetables and Ticket Prices
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General information
Bus stations and stops
We have located one bus station and 8 bus stops in Casablanca.
Some of the most popular companies departing from Casablanca are: ONCF Voyages, Supratours and Compagnie De Transports Au Maroc.
The stops and stations listed below are those most commonly used as departure locations by the intercity buses operating from Casablanca:
Casa Voyageurs
GPS Coordinates 33.590225, -7.591012
Click here to open location in google maps.Casa Voyageurs is located approximately 2.2 miles from the city centre, which is approximately a 13 minute ride.
The following amenities are available at Casa Voyageurs bus station: train station
Bus stop
GPS Coordinates 33.589614, -7.591153
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus stop is located approximately 2.3 miles from the city centre, which is approximately a 13 minute ride.
Bus stop
GPS Coordinates 33.56784, -7.59728
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus stop is located approximately 3.4 miles from the city centre, which is approximately a 18 minute ride.
Bus stop
GPS Coordinates 33.603604, -7.579878
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus stop is located approximately 2.7 miles from the city centre, which is approximately a 11 minute ride.
Bus stop
GPS Coordinates 33.571977, -7.580914
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus stop is located approximately 4 miles from the city centre, which is approximately a 20 minute ride.
Bus stop
GPS Coordinates 33.584098, -7.597298
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus stop is located approximately 2.3 miles from the city centre, which is approximately a 14 minute ride.
Bus terminal
GPS Coordinates 35.1675204, -5.275135
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus terminal is located approximately 204.9 miles from the city centre, which is approximately a 302 minute ride.
Bus stop
GPS Coordinates 33.599346, -7.6125057
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus stop is located approximately 1.4 miles from the city centre, which is approximately a 8 minute ride.
Bus stop
GPS Coordinates 33.55476, -7.63158
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus stop is located approximately 3.9 miles from the city centre, which is approximately a 17 minute ride.
Popular routes
Popular domestic departures
Popular international departures
Popular domestic arrivals
Popular international arrivals
Nearby train stations
Train station (Bd Ba Hmad) is located 2.3 kilometers away from the centre of the city.
Train station (Rte de l'Oasis) is located 3.9 kilometers away from the centre of the city.
Nearby airports
IATA code: CMN
Address: 20000, Casablanca
Casablanca Airport is situated approximately 20 miles away from the city, which equals a travel time of 00:40h. Casablanca Airport is an international airport offering flights to various destinations and connecting various parts of the country.