Bitonto Bus Station: Get Timetables and Ticket Prices
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General information
Bitonto is a place in Italy appearing as a stop on some of the local bus lines.Bus stations and stops
We have located 4 bus stops in Bitonto.
Some of the most popular companies departing from Bitonto are: FlixBus and Onebus.
Note: Buses to and from Bitonto ONLY STOP at the bus stops specified on your ticket.
The stops and stations listed below are those most commonly used as departure locations by the intercity buses operating from Bitonto:
Bus stop
Piazza Aldo Moro , 70032
GPS Coordinates:
41.108162, 16.69143
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GPS Coordinates 41.108162, 16.69143
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus stop is located approximately 90 feet from the city centre, which is only a 1 minute walking distance so you can also reach it on foot.
Near the bus station in Bus stop you can also find: ATM (24 ft), coffee bar (105 ft), fast food (105 ft), exchange office (24 ft) and train station (2367 ft)
In case that you wish to continue your journey from the bus station, you can find alternative transportation services available near Bitonto bus station: metro station (2367 ft) and public bus stop
Piazza Caduti del Terrorismo
Via Palombaio 6 , 70032
GPS Coordinates:
41.106636, 16.685701
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GPS Coordinates 41.106636, 16.685701
Click here to open location in google maps.Piazza Caduti del Terrorismo is located approximately 1731 feet from the city centre, which is only a 7 minute walking distance so you can also reach it on foot.
Near the bus station in Piazza Caduti del Terrorismo you can also find: train station (2517 ft)
In case that you wish to continue your journey from the bus station, you can find alternative transportation services available near Bitonto bus station: metro station (2517 ft)
Bus stop
Strada Provinciale 88 , 70032
GPS Coordinates:
41.120077, 16.688815
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GPS Coordinates 41.120077, 16.688815
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus stop is located approximately 3.4 miles from the city centre, which is approximately a 10 minute ride.
The following amenities are available at Bus stop bus station: coffee bar and gas station
Bus stop
Viale Professor Giuseppe Lazzati , 70032
GPS Coordinates:
41.11572, 16.685885
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GPS Coordinates 41.11572, 16.685885
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus stop is located approximately 0.9 miles from the city centre, which is approximately a 6 minute ride.
The following amenities are available at Bus stop bus station: gas station
Popular routes
There is a total of 16 national bus departures from Bitonto. Below you can find the most popular destinations you can reach when travelling from and to the city:Popular domestic departures
Popular domestic arrivals
Frequently asked questions
How many bus stops and stations are there in Bitonto?
What are the most popular bus routes from Bitonto?
What bus companies operate the routes starting from Bitonto?