GetByBus reviews - Over 86458 carrier and 22242 bus station reviews
Welcome to a dedicated space for collecting reviews and customer feedback on our extensive list of bus companies and bus stations at GetByBus. Whether you've travelled with a specific carrier and want to leave a review, or you are just browsing other people's feedback, this is a great starting point. Your review can help others make informed choices before travelling and can contribute to positive changes. We actively use client feedback to improve our services and motivate our partners to strive for excellence.
How do we collect reviews?
Every review is left by users who purchased a ticket at GetByBus and have first-hand experience travelling with a specific bus company. Reviews on GetByBus are verified in two ways: customers either receive a “Leave a Review” email after using our service, or they manually submit a review. In the case of the latter, the ticket code is mandatory, and our team checks the authenticity of the code to verify the review.
The worst service that I’ve ever experienced.
We did a long trip from Jerez de la Frontera to Lisbon.
Horrible and moody driver. Very uncomfortable sits and THEY CHARGE 0,50€ FOR TOILET. If you have no coins, that’s all your problem.
Should be illegal. Charged toilets. You’re kidding.
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