Phan Thiet Bus Station: Find Timetables and Ticket Prices
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General information
Coach stations and stops
We have located one coach terminal and 3 coach stops in Phan Thiet.
Some of the most popular companies departing from Phan Thiet are: Duc Duong Bus, Grouptour, Hanh Cafe, TBus, Phuong Trang and Viet Nam Travel Bus.
coach terminal
Phan Thiet, Coach terminal
Note: Coaches to and from Phan Thiet ONLY STOP at the coach stops specified on your ticket.
The stops and stations listed below are those most commonly used as departure locations by the intercity coaches operating from Phan Thiet:
Coach terminal
Từ Văn Tư
GPS Coordinates:
10.93973, 108.102876
GPS Coordinates 10.93973, 108.102876
Click here to open location in google maps.Coach terminal is located approximately 1.3 miles from the city centre, which is approximately a 7 minute ride.
Coach stop
Not available, if in doubt ask locals on site about guidance to the coach stop.
GPS Coordinates:
10.94183, 108.08235
GPS Coordinates 10.94183, 108.08235
Click here to open location in google maps.Coach stop is located approximately 1.8 miles from the city centre, which is approximately a 7 minute ride.
The following amenities are available at Coach stop coach terminal: kiosk
You will also find waiting room at this location.
Phan Thiet Office
Tôn Đức Thắng 129
GPS Coordinates:
10.9316238, 108.1108179
GPS Coordinates 10.9316238, 108.1108179
Click here to open location in google maps.Phan Thiet Office is located approximately 1.2 miles from the city centre, which is approximately a 6 minute ride.
along National Highway 1A
Trường Chinh Đường
GPS Coordinates:
10.94881, 108.09596
GPS Coordinates 10.94881, 108.09596
Click here to open location in google maps.along National Highway 1A is located approximately 2.2 miles from the city centre, which is approximately a 9 minute ride.
Popular routes
Popular domestic departures
Popular domestic arrivals
Nearby ferry terminals
Nearby train stations
Nearby airports
IATA code: SGN
Address: Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh Airport is situated approximately 113 mi away from the city, which equals a travel time of 03:43h. Ho Chi Minh Airport is an international airport offering flights to various destinations and connecting various parts of the country.
Frequently asked questions
How many coach stops and stations are there in Phan Thiet?
What are the most popular coach routes from Phan Thiet?
What is the nearest airport to Phan Thiet?
What bus companies operate the routes starting from Phan Thiet?