Belo Horizonte Bus Station: Find Timetables and Ticket Prices
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General information
Coach stations and stops
We have located 2 coach terminals and 3 coach stops in Belo Horizonte.
Some of the most popular companies departing from Belo Horizonte are: Viação Sertaneja, Cometa, WEMOBI, Pluma, Adamantina and Buser.
The stops and stations listed below are those most commonly used as departure locations by the intercity coaches operating from Belo Horizonte:
Coach terminal
GPS Coordinates -19.913766, -43.941777
Click here to open location in google maps.Coach terminal is located approximately 2304 feet from the city centre, which is only a 10 minute walking distance so you can also reach it on foot.
The following amenities are available at Coach terminal coach stop: ATM, toilet, kiosk, coffee bar and fast food
In case that you wish to continue your journey from the coach stop, you can find alternative transportation services available near Belo Horizonte coach terminal: taxi stand
You will also find waiting room at this location.
Empresa Gontijo de Transportes
GPS Coordinates -19.89017, -43.97795
Click here to open location in google maps.Empresa Gontijo de Transportes is located approximately 5.4 miles from the city centre, which is approximately a 13 minute ride.
Terminal JK Coach terminal
GPS Coordinates -19.92384, -43.94649
Click here to open location in google maps.Terminal JK Coach terminal is located approximately 1 miles from the city centre, which is approximately a 8 minute ride.
The following amenities are available at Terminal JK Coach terminal coach stop: ATM, toilet, kiosk, coffee bar and fast food
In case that you wish to continue your journey from the coach stop, you can find alternative transportation services available near Belo Horizonte coach terminal: taxi stand
You will also find waiting room at this location.
Jose Candido
GPS Coordinates -19.88308, -43.913554
Click here to open location in google maps.Jose Candido is located approximately 4.1 miles from the city centre, which is approximately a 11 minute ride.
Near the coach terminal in Jose Candido you can also find: fast food
In case that you wish to continue your journey from the coach station, you can find alternative transportation services available near Belo Horizonte coach terminal: public coach stop and metro station
Coach stop
GPS Coordinates -19.926411, -43.938537
Click here to open location in google maps.Coach stop is located approximately 2796 feet from the city centre, which is only a 13 minute walking distance so you can also reach it on foot.
The following amenities are available at Coach stop coach terminal: coffee bar
In case that you wish to continue your journey from the coach station, you can find alternative transportation services available near Belo Horizonte coach terminal: public coach stop
Popular routes
Popular domestic departures
Popular domestic arrivals
Nearby airports
IATA code: CNF
Address: 33500, Confins
Belo Horizonte Airport is situated approximately 24 mi away from the city, which equals a travel time of 00:40h. Belo Horizonte Airport is an international airport offering flights to various destinations and connecting various parts of the country.