Autopoduzeće imotski - Discover Bus Routes and Book Tickets
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Travel with Autopoduzeće imotski
Autopoduzeće imotski is a bus company based in Metkovic, Croatia. It offers departures in 0 countries, such as . It is one of the many bus companies in Croatia, as it offers more than 7 daily departures, mostly from cities like . Autopoduzeće imotski operates .
Autopoduzeće imotski holds an average score of 7.2, derived from 1903 reviews submitted by our travellers. This places Autopoduzeće imotski at the 45. position among all coach companies in Croatia and 362. position globally. 41% of our travellers rated their experience with Autopoduzeće imotski as excellent. Among the amenities offered, passengers expressed the highest satisfaction with the Tidiness and Driver. You can see some of the reviews left by our passengers below:
The most popular lines in Croatia
Below you will find some of the most popular bus routes in Croatia as well as additional information.